The Documentation (excerpt)
There are a number of film festival submission portals in addition to FilmFreeway, such as Withoutabox, Reelport, Shortfilmdepot, Clickforfestivals, Festhome, Movibeta, Uptofest, Filmfestivallife and Filmfestplatform (Review: 10 Platforms for Online Submissions, 2017) to name some of the most popular. It would be helpful when redesigning the site, or appraising it to test the design and UX of these sites.
I have identified a number of personae or archetype users;
A film festival organiser/director.
A filmmaker doing the rounds of this year’s film festivals.
A new user, that doesn’t have a film project finished yet, but is investigating the process of submitting films to festivals, and what kind of festivals there are.
A member of the public that is particularly interested in international film festivals…