Paula Healy

Paula Healy & Rong Zhan

  • Rong & I completed the following two stages of the assignment separately:
    • Create an account on and browse film festivals as a potential user who aims to submit their film.
    • Follow all the steps involved in film submission except the final submission page as this would generally involve payment.
    • Create wireframes that include all the necessary steps for this user experience. Use Balsamiq for the mockup.
    • Compare your results and come up with a final version.
  • Design the final step together and explain what kind of information this page would involve. Include this in your mockup as the last step in the user experience.
  • Write a documentation that clearly explains the user activity as well as the interaction tools found in the interface design. Please consult your relevant book chapters for necessary terminology (i.e. inlays, )
  • Your documentation should follow an academic standard and provide a references list at the end of the document which should be in the MLA format. For the correct referencing rules in MLA, please check:
  • Your Wireframes and documentation should be viewed in different tabs on your assignment website.
  • Have different sections of your single-page website making use of PHP variables as well as include and echo functions.
Screengrab of the Balsamiq Wireframe
The encouraging & smiley Balsamiq logo